
Carrville Family Doctor Clinic
(905) 709-3975
435 Carrville Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 6E5 Canada

Principles of Practice

We provide professional, comprehensive, evidence-based health care for people of all ages and their families. We practice within the scope of traditional medicine.

The practice is based on values of the profession: compassion, service, altruism and trustworthiness. The doctor-patient relationship is the foundation of the practice of medicine; without trust a good doctor-patient relationship cannot exist. An important component of trust is the honest and compassionate communication of information in complete confidence. Our staff demonstrates professional competence, maintaining confidentiality, advocating for patients.

About Dr. Lukin

Dr. Lukin is a cerfitied Medical Doctor (MD) who started her medical career more than 20 years ago. Dr. Lukin had experience working in different clinical settings, with multicultural patients and in different provinces of Canada. She was awarded with Academic Gold Medal for outstanding scholastic achievements. Dr. Lukin worked as a Research Associate in Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute and she had a number of publications. Dr. Lukin is maintaining her competence by taking multiple continuous medical education courses to enhance her clinical knowledge, expertise and skills to provide the best care possible. She is able to provide care in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

About the Clinic

The Clinic is located in the south of Richmond Hill and it is a part of Family Health Organization consisting of several doctors with one computerized database system.

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